- PayUp Fashion initiative launches to secure industry’s future, Fashion United UK
- Garment workers win historic victory in effort to transform the fashion industry, Waging Nonviolence
- The new movement to reform fashion, Vogue Business
- Are Garment Workers Being Paid in Bangladesh?, Remake
- Introducing PayUp Fashion: Why the Future of Any Fashion Sustainability Efforts Must Be Worker-Centric, Remake
- Grassroots campaigning can change fashion, just ask “Pay Up”, High Snobiety
- Remake initiative looks ahead to broader industry action, Ecotextile
- Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers struggle amid job loss, Al Jazeera
- Thousands of jobless Bangladeshi garment workers fear for future, Reuters
- The Hands That Stitch Our Clothes Need Help, Blom Agency
- COVID-19: Fashion Supply Chain Workers are More Vulnerable than Ever, Peacock Plume
- Bangladesh’s New Generation Of Women-Led Labor Unions Confronts The Pandemic, Forbes
- 3 Organizations Helping Garment Workers in Bangladesh, Borgen Magazine
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